Security Thought Leadership: in conversation with Martin Gill

Robots: a security opportunity or a security threat?

Professor Martin Gill Season 1 Episode 188

There are well established advantages to using robots in security roles. For example, they can independently perform programmed tasks with minimal human oversight, including conducting routine patrols and doing so cost effectively, more productively than humans since they don’t get tired or bored, and work more safely in hazardous environments. But they can lead to job losses, the initial investment can be substantial, and then there are the privacy threats. Research has shown that industrial robots can be hacked to steal trade secrets, damage equipment, cause bodily harm and corrupt processes. So where does this leave us?

This webinar will discuss:
What are is the potential for using robots in security work?
How can the downsides be best managed?
Are robots a threat to humans?

Andrew Seldon – Editor, Smart Security Solutions
Prof Shandré Kim Jansen van Rensburg – Lecturer, University of South Africa
Dr Craig Donald – Director of Advanced Development Applications, Leaderware; Adjunct Associate Professor, Edith Cowan University, Perth; Australia Associate of Super Recognisers International, UK

A video and summary of this session is available here:

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